Bayer AG

- Bayer Standards Library -


  • Interactive overview page for the presentation of a comprehensive range of topics
  • Contents can be expanded at any time through the modular construction of the overview page
  • Playful evaluation certifies the employee and releases additional information
Customer Requirements


Employees of Bayer AG should be trained in using the “standards library”. After successful certification, additional information is made available to them.


The topic tends to be wordy and dry. How does one make a standards library come across as entertaining and practical and, in doing so, create a visual relationship?    

Our Solutions

We use stories to create practical relevance! For Bayer, we narrate in the simpleshow hand custom format. Because the real reference to application is very important, we combine an explanatory video with Screencast. In doing so, we explain the applications in a pleasant, entertaining way. Tiles on the overview page structure the content and look modern and neat.    

Customer Benefit

Access to the application more than doubled with the publishing of the editorial in BayNet (including the integration of image clips and the overview page)awareness and usage have visibly increased.